my side of the story... wanna hear it?: November 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
story told on 9:50 pm �

and so the countdown begins...

in 14 days time, the war will begin... seriously, i'm not too sure i'll be able to get good results... but i'm not going to give up yet... in exactly 1 month time, will be the last paper for me... things are turning rough... lack of sleep, sheer exhaustion, time constrains and lack of entertainment.. really... i'm quarantined my sony ericsson k51oi camera phone with 2.0 megapixel camera, 1 gb memory card and a whole load of other interesting features... please visi- *smacks own head* *cough* sorry... i'm using my old nokia phone again... just got it after sending it for repair... still have some problems though... but what the hell la... jus live with it until exam over... besides that, currently whacking chinese tea like nobody's business... it works better than coffee!! it fcuking does... just brew a nice hot pot and leave it to slowly brew till it turn concentrated... works man... no joke... weather's been a little naughty lately... bloody fcuking hot... can't properly study... but now its raining a little... so can study properly again...

i'm actually quite amazed at how well i can maintain my stress level... so far haven't blow my top yet, haven't screamed at some fcuking moron, etc. ok... i admit... got la a little bit stress... books, tuition, more books, revision, more books... you get the drill... luckily, i took my MUET test so no need to worry about it...

life's a bitch eh? yea... right now it is la... have to sacrifice so much including my personal life... faham- faham la... 5 weeks... i know you are waiting for me... i'm praying for a yes from you... *prays*

1) Stationary. Check
2) Timetable. Check
3) Sacrifices. Check
4) Determination. Check
5) Perserverence. Check
6) Fighting spirit. Check
7) Moral support. Check
8) Nutritious food. Check
9) Confidence. Semi-checked (lack confidence in some subjects)

all there's left is time and how i will use it... 10% luck, 20% skill, 50% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 15% pain and 100% reason to remember this day... thanks for the moral support from my friends anfd family... to those who PRETEND to even care, same to you k? thanks to those who believed in me, 'cos it's time for me to believe in myself... it's now between me, the papers and God...

like a defenceless and bladeless soldier in battle; nothing to gain, all to lose... sacrifices too great to compare, fighting for the unknown future... but as hope seemed lost forever, a tiny prick of light, a glimmer of hope rises from the ashes...